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About Us

The Story Behind AudiHance

Why should small Businesses struggle to find a cost-effective solution for their website design? I did not have enough knowledge to answer that question until March 2020 when the lockdown hit. I had only two useful ressources to keep me busy : my computer and access to the Internet.
One week later, I had the chance to participate in a contest for a vetting process to be admitted at Standford Code in Place, and I ended up being admitted !

6 immersive weeks which gave me an in-depth knowledge of coding thanks to the  great work of Professors from Standord University Chris Piech, Mehran Sahami and The whole team

Since then, I have changed the  misconceptions I had from High school concerning coding. Now, I have a pretty extensive knowledge of coding and  Common CMS like WordPress, Wix etc…

I have then decided to help small business grow their audience with the help of one of the most powerful tools : a website. And here comes AudiHance (audience + enhance), with the values I have got from Stanford Code in Place: Learn and Serve.

Joël Gouado – Founder & CEO

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What We Do

Audihance is a web design company that offers complete web and Ecommerce solutions. We have a team of highly skilled designers and developers who create custom websites that are both user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing.We offer a wide range of services, from logo and branding design to website development and maintenance. We believe that a well-designed website is crucial for any business, no matter the size

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